I want to blog more of my life.
I want to glorify God through my words.
I want to connect to others.
This blog has been a hodgepodge of sorts, and has honestly been a struggle to even think about. Something about it has felt disingenuous. I don't have amazing fashion sense or an eye for interior design, and I think I've tried to make it a resource for that - with very little success.
I've decided to make this more of an outlet to share my life and thoughts. As I've gotten older, I have lost a sense of community and relationships that don't go weeks without talking. Life gets busy and somewhere between friends moving away, full time jobs starting and marriages becoming a priority, we loose touch, we loose closeness.
I can remember my four years in college, and the amazing relationships that God sprung forth. We would spend hours talking about our lives and evaluating God's impact on our lives and the world. Often my heart longs for that again. I find a little piece of that when I read blogs of women, mothers, daughters and wives that share their stories online, and invite others into it. These connections certainly don't replace face-to-face friendships, but they do inspire and challenge me to seek God deeper.
I want to do that here. I'll still share the special and mundane things that are happening at Oneleven Creative because that is a huge part of my life and day. But as Mike (my husband) and I embark on our new journey as parents, I want to record our journey. (I used to journal everyday, but have long lost the time or dedication to continue, and this blog can be that again.)
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
- 1 Corinthians 10:31